Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Personal Tuesday | Thing's I love | Virginia Lifestyle Photographer

So as most can see, I am way behind on my blogging! I think the best way to kick off my day full of blogging, is to share my 5 favorite things right now. With a 10 year old & a 10 month old running around this house I have a very long list of things that I love!!!!


16x20 Gallery Wraps. They always look amazing on your wall you can mix it up with a few 8x10s or 5x7s along the sides to tie in all your favorite family or event photos.

I do offer these Gallery Wraps as a print product that you can order from any session you have had with me Past or Future.

(Gallery Wrap of: Chayln Spain)

You knew I was going to have something Baby related! Julian is a roller! Yes sir he hates to lay on the floor still enough for me to wipe, powder, and strap him back into a diaper. But since I tried out these awesome Slip on diapers by Huggies, Changing time has become a ton easier!

One little side note when using these diapers keep check on your babies upper legs, Julian has ran into the occasional irritated rash from the velcro piece at the top of the diaper. But I would still highly recommend these Diapers!

I purchase all my Huggies at Kroger & Martin's Super Markets, $9.89 per bag. Plus every month at least once a month with the weekly Sunday sale papers you can find Coupons for $1.50 or $2 off a bag. Not to forget if you register on Huggies website they will send you coupons monthly for $2+ off diapers, wipes, and other great baby products.

Look now y'all are bringing the Crazy Couponer out in me again! Ok moving on...


Old Cameras!!!! As I will share at a later date, I plan to own a indoor Studio very soon in the upcoming years. So I have so many ideas and wants for this Studio and for starters I want my waiting room to have a decor of great camera from the past.

This particular camera if a great Flea Market Find! My dad picked this one up for me a few weeks ago for a steal... $4 that's right I said $4! A 1952 8mm Movie Camera all original paper work included with the original sales receipt, and in great condition still working fine!!!

I love this find Thanks Dad! 



Really what woman does not love a Yankee Candle? I have to say their are a few that top my list on amazing scents, but most of all I love my home to smell like Spiced Pumpkin. The smell brings warm and happy thought to me.
If you long on to Yankee Candle's website and sign up for their monthly newsletter you can get great deals on their candles and products, I love getting a coupon in my inbox then planning my trip down to the home store in Williamsburg to pick up a large candle supply! 

(Photo of: Small Tumbler - Spiced Pumpkin, $15.99 online)


Another great Flea Market find, every week when I head in to the Bellwood Flea market (Chesterfield,VA) I know that for sure I am not leaving with out a great Prop Box! Here is one of my most recent finds, they are great for Children's photos or just holding toys in my living room. 

Now let me say some sellers know that these boxes are wanted by photographer, so they with mark them really high wanting that one person to come along that really wants. I never pay more than $7 per box. If the seller will not come down I know I can find another great one a few stands down & more than likely they will want my money. 

This Box is currently holding Julian's blocks and toys but once my Studio is here it will hold things like Baby hats, and small props.

Well I hope that you have enjoyed learning a few of the things that I love this month, and look for next months Things I love post!

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