Monday, June 3, 2013

June around the office \\ Digital newsletter

Hello Summer! I can't believe how fast Spring came and went not to forget how many great new clients I get to meet and photograph! As promised May was nothing shot of busy for me in the office, here's a little look into what I got to photograph in May 2013...

The Thomas Family
The Andrews Family
Wedding Workshop
Emily's Intimates
Carla's 50+ Intimates
Glen Allen High School Prom
Glen Allen High School After Prom
Greyson's 4th Birthday Party
Austin's 7th Month
The Brickel Family
The Smith Siblings

Don't worry June has a few openings if you want to snag a session >>> Email Me!

Looking for something original to do for Father’s Day this year?  Why not follow him around with the camera for a day and shoot “A Day in the Life of Dad”?  This is another form of photography that tells a story and journals what Dad is like today and what makes him so special.  Take a picture of Dad working out in the morning, eating his Wheaties for breakfast, and going to work.  You can even go to his job and take pictures of him at his desk, in the field or doing whatever it is that he does best.  Then capture his after work nap, his playtime with the kids, mowing the lawn and his feet kicked up on the end of the La-Z-Boy recliner when the day is almost done.  Record his day through a series of pictures then put them in a book, create a video slideshow or frame a few of your favorites.  This is the type of gift that will be great now, but will be priceless in 10, 20 and even 40 years from now.

With summertime approaching, refreshing treats are always great to have around. One great tool to keep on hand to satisfy this craving is a popsicle mold!  This mold leaves room for ample creativity since you can freeze just about any drink to make a cold yummy treat!  The possibilities are endless! Here is just a start of some ideas of different drinks that can be made into popsicles;

Homemade Smoothies
Cranberry Juice with Raspberries
Chocolate Milk
Lemonade with Diced Strawberries

So grab some popsicle molds and start experimenting with different juices and drinks to make your summer extra cool!

As all my close clients know I have been working hard to loose some extra pounds the last few months, and now Swimsuit season is here, and so are the endless dieting plans and crazy exercise routines. But instead of investing in a $400 dollar gym membership that you never have time to go to, why not make yourself a homemade fitness plan. We all know the basic exercises that go into every workout; leg lifts, push ups, squats, etc. so it can be easy to build a routine that fits you. If you’re striving for that flat stomach, or carved quads, do a little bit of research and find the exercises that work best for you. Then make a schedule that you can keep up with, but still gives you a little challenge. While you are at it, take advantage of all of the fruits and vegetables that are in season, and get some healthy nutrients inside of you to support all of that muscle building. Remember that consistency is the key, so whatever plan you choose, make sure to stick with it so you can have a happy and healthy summer!

don't forget to take a minute to check out this months personal & business goals in the Hildebrandt House... Improving is perfection \\ June's goals 

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