Thursday, September 29, 2011

Julian's Blog: "I'm almost done cookin!"

Photo taken by Dirt Road Photography

Julian Cole Stanley Hildebrandt - Due October 9, 2011
Mommy: Erica S (23)
Daddy: Andrew H (27)
Big Brother: Cody H (9)

Granny: Lisa S
Papa: Rocky S

Grandma: Sharron B
Grandpa: Tim B

Loved more that can be typed!

"I'm almost done Cooking in here Mommy, are you ready?" (Julian Cole)
"ALWAYS" (Mommy)

I wanted to sit down and put together and photo scrapbook from start to finish for my little prince, but really come on now who has all that time to sit, cut, glue, and together a scrapbook at 9mounth pregnant & running a business?
I know I don't!

So instead I am going to put together this special (LONG) photo blog post just for him! I am starting from the beginning and ending today at 38weeks & 4days pregnant. Trust em that is not the last you will see of my little bundle there will be more blogs and more blurbs on facebook! I PROMISE!!!

So where to start? Lets start with BUMP ROW photos...

OK so yes I am a professional photographer, but have you ever tried to take a photo of your self with out using the bathroom mirror and your IPhone? it is super hard work! plus not to minchin up until about week 18 my Husband was deployed in Iraq and I had no one to snap off the photos for me.

So let me give thanks to where it's due...
I would like to thank my IPhone for always saying click when I asked it to, also
My mommy (Lisa S) for snapping 20w 1d & 36w 2d,
Then I would like to thank my Husband (Andrew H) for clicking away on 25w 6d, 31w 4d, 31w 5d, & 32w 6d.
Umm.... JRs team mom Robin C for stealing my camera and snapping 35w 6d
Lastly & so blond one of my Besties Lacy Jay for 37w (& my husband and mine 2011 birthday photo)

Now I think we should move on to the fun part... ULTRASOUNDS
I will admit I have had a lot compared to most mommies to be, but I have been the pre-term labor twice so both times the hooked me up with a photo of my little prince... And what a poser he is!

So I guess it's time to explain all the HOSPITAL VISITS :o(

For anyone who doesn't know me personally, I will say I am a little more stressed than the average person. To make the long story of my day to day life a little shorter... I have a 9 year old Step son, an (Husband's) Ex-wife, In-laws, A Husband deployed most of the time, On the local Youth football board, owning my own business, and majorly OCD!

So when I found out I was pregnant, I was super excited and started shopping and organizing right away! But sadly my body decided at 31 weeks that I was in major need of some R&R (as my husband puts it) about 4pm on a Monday afternoon I went into Pre-term labor (the first time), like the crazy worried first time pregnant woman I called my doctor and after about an hour I was sent to the Hospital.

Once there they confirmed that I was in Pre-term labor and that it was way to early for Julian to be trying to come out! I was given some medications to help Julian (just in case he wouldn't listen and stay put) and some medications to stop my labor. Not to minchin the 8 bags of IV fluids I was given! EIGHT!

So after my 3 day stay in the super small rooms of Henrico Doctors, I was informed that my body and son had teamed up to gave me a UTI, yeast infection and super dehydration! All three sending me into Pre-Term Labor!!! I was sent home with orders to go on bed rest and to drink like 3 gallons of water a day... Really me bed rest? If you know me you know how funny it was to see me struggle with living on the couch and drinking more water than a fish! I barley ever sit still, I always have something to be doing and really all that water?

So I was in such a panic from being told at 31weeks to go right to the Hospital ASAP that I left my Amazing camera at home. I do have a few photos to share from that trip, so here we go...

Then we turn around again at 33 weeks and here we go again I am back in to Pre Term Labor! But this time things were a little more complicated outside! It was Thursday Night 8p the night before Virginia was hit by Hurricane Irena. I started having contractions again just like 2 weeks before and called my Doctor.

This time I was only 2 days away from the safe zone to just allow Julian to come on out. But again we (Julian and I) were given the medications and again my labor was stopped. I was told many different reasons as to why I was in Pre-Term Labor this time but none made any since to this Photographer (by trade) non-Doctor speaking mommy to be!

But this time My Husband and Mommy did remember to grab my camera so I have a lot more photos to share with you all...

As I said my son was trying to make a grand Entrance to this world, right in the middle of a Hurricane! By day 2 I was told that I would not be released from the Hospital until Sunday night or even Monday morning because of the storm outside. BUT the hospital lost power Saturday afternoon and I was going crazy! PURE CRAZY! I wanted to go home, where I had working power and water! I got the Doctor's OK to carefully swim my way (that's funny b/c I call my car the Boat) from Richmond back up to Ashland.

Here's what I woke up to the next morning in my front yard!

Now moving on the fun, MY BABY SHOWER!!!!!

(Thanks to my Father In Law Tim B for the photos at Richmond International Airport) 

Lots of food, friends, family, & Baby cloths! Here are just a few photos from that day!

Lets not forget we have to give Special thanks to my helper (photographers):
Aunt Kelley P
Aunt Melody D
& Daddy

And a BIG thank yous to my Mommy (Lisa S) and my other Bestie (Kelley P) for putting all the little things together and cooking all the food for my Amazing Baby Shower! I mean I didn't give them much room for creativity, Sorry but I am a control freak!

Now moving on to the last little details I have for my little Prince:

JULIAN'S CLOTHES... some of the cutes ones anyway!

& last I am going to finish off this really long and loving blog with some photos from my 6 month Maternity Session...

Mommy Loves you Julian Cole! I can't wait to change all your super stinky diapers, I mean I know who your daddy is so I know they will be stinky!

<3 Mommy

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